- 依普利酮与轻度症状的收缩性心力衰竭
Eplerenone in Patients with Systolic Heart Failure and Mild Symptoms
- 利福昔明治疗无便秘的肠易激综合征患者
Rifaximin Therapy for Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome without Constipation
3. 海地爆发霍乱菌的来源
The Origin of the Haitian Cholera Outbreak Strain
4. 简报:18世纪和现在的垂体瘤AIP突变
Brief Report: AIP Mutation in Pituitary Adenomas in the 18th Century and Today
1. 醛固酮受体拮抗剂 – 最后屹立不倒的人?
Aldosterone Antagonists — Last Man Standing?
2. 抗生素治疗肠易激综合症
Bipolar Disorder — A Focus on Depression
Reforming Health Care Reform in the 112th Congress
2. 应对海地震后的霍乱
Responding to Cholera in Post-Earthquake Haiti
3. 中、重度霍乱的抗生素使用
Antibiotics for Both Moderate and Severe Cholera
4. 为无保险者重现考虑医疗网的接入
Rethinking Safety-Net Access for the Uninsured
5. 在岔路口:可信赖医疗组织