

1. 发展国家的生物仿制药计划

Developing the Nation’s Biosimilars Program

**2. 重新设计员工健康激励机制 – 从行为经济学的经验教训

** Redesigning Employee Health Incentives — Lessons from Behavioral Economics

3. 成为一名医生:鉴别诊断 – 专业化和医学生

Becoming a Physician: A Differentiation Diagnosis — Specialization and the Medical Student

4. 幻灯片:卷烟标签的图示警告

Slide Show: Graphic Warnings for Cigarette Labels


1. 用低剂量CT检查筛选降低肺癌的死亡率

Reduced Lung-Cancer Mortality with Low-Dose Computed Tomographic Screening

[评论] 筛选肺癌的更有力证据

Better Evidence about Screening for Lung Cancer

2. CYP24A1突变和特发性婴儿高钙血症

Mutations in _CYP24A1_ and Idiopathic Infantile Hypercalcemia**


3. 2009年威斯康星州和明尼苏达州出现的一个新的埃立克体致病物种

Emergence of a New Pathogenic Ehrlichia Species, Wisconsin and Minnesota, 2009

4. 马与兔抗胸腺细胞球蛋白治疗再生障碍性贫血

Horse versus Rabbit Antithymocyte Globulin in Acquired Aplastic Anemia



** Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy



** Looking at the Whole Picture


**辅助生殖 – 加拿大最高法院和“环球宝贝”

** Assisted Reproduction — Canada’s Supreme Court and the “Global Baby”


1.  会厌炎的“拇指征” “Thumb Sign” of Epiglottitis

2. 舌的梅毒硬下疳 Syphilitic Chancre of the Tongue