

1. MYO1E突变和儿童家族性局灶节段性肾小球硬化

MYO1E Mutations and Childhood Familial Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis

[评论] MYO1E,局灶节段性肾小球硬化,与细胞骨架

MYO1E, Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis, and the Cytoskeleton

2. Wnt信号和Dupuytren’s病

Wnt Signaling and Dupuytren’s Disease

3. HLA不相容的肾移植患者的脱敏治疗及生存

Desensitization in HLA-Incompatible Kidney Recipients and Survival

4. 2型糖尿病伴慢性肾病的甲基Bardoxolone和肾功能

Bardoxolone Methyl and Kidney Function in CKD with Type 2 Diabetes

5. 在印度出生队列的轮状病毒自然感染的保护作用

Protective Effect of Natural Rotavirus Infection in an Indian Birth Cohort



Genomic Medicine: Microbial Genomics and Infectious Diseases




Case 23-2011 — A 40-Year-Old Pregnant Woman with Placenta Accreta Who Declined Blood Products



Stem Cells and Eye Development


1. 权衡高剂量辛伐他汀的益处与肌病的风险

Weighing the Benefits of High-Dose Simvastatin against the Risk of Myopathy

**2. 医疗保险管理的竞争呢?来自荷兰发人深省的教训

** Managed Competition for Medicare? Sobering Lessons from the Netherlands

3. 将社会媒体纳入急诊准备工作中

Integrating Social Media into Emergency-Preparedness Efforts

4. 医学史:百年Salvarsan

History of Medicine: One Hundred Years of Salvarsan

5. ACO的规则——破坏参与和改革潜力之间的平衡

The ACO Rules — Striking the Balance between Participation and Transformative Potential

6. 医疗融资的经济学

The Economics of Financing Medicare

7. 医疗保险和预算赤字的公众意见

The Public’s Views about Medicare and the Budget Deficit


1.  小肠扭转 Small-Intestinal Volvulus

2. 舌粘液囊肿 Tongue Mucocele