

1. 减肥干预在临床实践中的效果

Comparative Effectiveness of Weight-Loss Interventions in Clinical Practice**


2. 在基层医院治疗肥胖的两年随机试验

A Two-Year Randomized Trial of Obesity Treatment in Primary Care Practice

[评论] 基层医院治疗肥胖 – 我们做到了吗?

Obesity Treatment in Primary Care — Are We There Yet?

3. 阿昔单抗和肝素对比伐卢定治疗非ST段抬高心肌梗死

Abciximab and Heparin versus Bivalirudin for Non–ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction**


4. 每日或间歇性的布地奈德治疗经常哮鸣的学前儿童

Daily or Intermittent Budesonide in Preschool Children with Recurrent Wheezing






Screening for Prostate Cancer



Case 36-2011 — A 93-Year-Old Woman with Shortness of Breath and Chest Pain


1.  前列腺癌普查 – 美国预防工作遗漏了什么?

Prostate-Cancer Screening — What the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Left Out

2.  一人一次 – PSA争议的解决

One Man at a Time — Resolving the PSA Controversy

3. 风险分级 – 美国预防服务和前列腺癌普查

Stratifying Risk — The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and Prostate-Cancer Screening

4.医学院入学考试 – 走向新的平衡

The Medical College Admission Test — Toward a New Balance


1. 神经纤维瘤 Neurofibromatosis

2. 囊虫病 Cysticercosis